Smash the SFP

Smash the SFP

Smash the SFP

Applying for the Specialised Foundation Programme? We’ve got you covered: focusing on every aspect of the application, delivered by successful candidates, equipping you with the tools you need to succeed.

Getting that SFP job requires commitment each step of the way, and having the right guidance is essential to maximise your chances, given that academic medicine is not adequately covered in medical school

Dr Syeda Anum Zahra, Imperial SFP Doctor and Course Organizer

Online Course

Our online Smash the SFP course contains 6 online lectures going through each aspect of the application process. The bundle contains SFP lectures, SFP handbook and a mock interview with a current SFP doctor. The candidate will also receive mentorship throughout the application process. Majority of the proceedings from this course will be going towards a charity aiming to provide less fortunate children, education in Pakistan.

Check it out below 👇

You can also purchase our SFP handbook (£15) and Mocks (£10) individually. Please note these are included in the SFP online course. Sign up to indicate which resource you would like, and please pay to our just giving page.

Live Sessions

Join us for live SFP practice and Q&A sessions with current SFP doctors. Sign up here.

The sessions are at 6:30pm starting from: 1) 10/09/23: Dr Sierra Schaffer 2) 17/09/23: Dr Savini Hewage 3) 24/09/23: Dr Maryam Aboughdir 4) 04/10/23: Dr Mohammed Blaaza 5) 15/10/23: Dr Syeda Anum Zahra


Supporting the current crisis in Morocco

Morocco has been hit by a devastating earthquake leading to several people injured, displaced and dead. The current death toll is 2000 and is rising. We need your help in providing support to people of Morocco. Proceedings from this course will be going towards charities aiming to provide front line support to people of Morocco.